Ivory Persian Bidjar
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Ivory Persian Bidjar
Origin: Iran/Persian
Design: Kurdish
Pile: Wool on wool
Size: 3'8" x 5'7"
Age: Semi Antique
Design Considerations
Semi Antique Persian Bijar. Perfect for high traffic area, yes, even with the ivory field.
Wool pile on cotton foundation. Notes: Professionally cleaned by accredited ARCS (Association of Rug Care Specialists) member, Renaissance Rug Cleaning to their exacting standards.
Referred to as "the Iron rug of Iran" by experts and within the trade, the weave construction of Bijar makes them one of the most long lasting of all handmade rugs. Legendarily durable, woven with offset sinous and cable wefts and tightly combed down during the weaving process, Bijar rugs are made to last and make a wonderful, worry free option for the most demanding areas in the home, be it the entry way, under dining room table or a highly trafficked family room. After decades in the home, old Bijars show little appreciable signs of wear, still perform and present beautifully. Tiresome eye-rolling cliches aside, many are heirlooms, in the truest sense, and passed on within families. For one lucky enough to inherit one, often all that is needed is a cleaning.
One of the great authorities on rugs, Murray Eiland said, "If we were to designate a fifth major category of oriental rug, there would be convincing arguments that Kurdish weavers are an entity in themselves... Nevertheless, judging by by the variety of patterns and techniques, by their large output for probably many centuries, and by the quality of their best pieces, the Kurds should certainly rank among the most imaginative and prolific of weavers."
With the punctuating effusiveness and dramatic combination of motifs and colors, well made Kurdish Bijar rugs are among the most stunning. Drawing from a vast range of influences such as Caucasian rug designs and classic workshop designs, Kurdish weavers have an uncanny ability to borrow, re-interpret and create a level of drama and distinctiveness that well reflects the incredible array of quality production of rugs produced in Iran during the heyday of production from 1875-1941.
Thank you.